October 9, 2012

  • [Of Fall and Faithfulness]:

    Fall, I love thee. 

    I will sadly miss picking apples this year as the crops were not very good with the weather being a month ahead of schedule this year. Currently, I am craving a cup of foamy-wonderful apple cider, but a cup of Peppermint tea will have to do instead for the moment. There is something enchanting about Fall. I confess that I do enjoy Spring and Summer as well [Winter is simply winter, I love Christmastime and that is about it. I could even do with only one snow. Yes, truly.] but Fall has always captured my heart.

    There is something about colors that take your breath away as your are driving down country roads… something about the vivid blue skies, the smell of the fresh-cool-fall-air… something about the sound of crunching leaves under your shoes and the sunshine on your face… something about the deliciousness of pumpkin, apple, spices and chili in a crockpot. 

    Yes, I love fall. 

    I’ve been thinking a lot recently. Having a lot of quiet time on my hands [long story, but currently in another waiting season] as I work on lots of editing, I’ve been having lots of thoughts, questions, prayers and wonderings. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said: “Don’t believe everything you think.” Um. yes… so true! Every thought that comes into my little mind is certainly not truth or fact. I’ve been reminded over and over how much I truly need the Gospel… daily. What do you think about? What consumes your thoughts and dreams?

    Lately, my thoughts have been consumed with two things: Now and the Future. 
    Now:: a job. a car. money. new computer hard-drive. questions. decisions. headaches. becoming well. projects. editing. 
    Future:: a job. a car. money. photography. decisions. what-ifs. desires. responsibility. missions. my dark-chocolate-eyed-kiddos.

    Intermixed between those two ever present thoughts are many thoughts about Jesus, the promises of Scripture, pondering new Truths, etc. 
    Then, last week… it occurred to me: “Kristi, your thoughts are so consumed with the temporary and splashed with moments of Truth… what would happen if it flipped?”

    All consumed with Jesus. 
    All consumed with Truth. 
    All consumed with the Eternal.
    All consumed with the Kingdom. 
    All consumed with serving others .
    All consumed with making others successful. 
    All consumed with becoming more like Jesus. 
    All consumed with HIS complete faithfulness.

    What if?

    It sounds kinda impractical, doesn’t it? I used to think so. But I should know better by now. It is impractical, but that is because it isn’t world-like thinking… it is Kingdom living. Pretty much the opposite of what comes naturally. If your enemy strikes you… let him strike the other side. If your debtor owes you forgive him. If your enemy is hungry feed him. If you want to be greatest you must be the least. Paradoxes are the way of the Kingdom. 

    So the question is raised… if I became all consumed with Jesus, how do I pay my bills, how would I find a job, what about the future, how will I know when and where and what?

    The answer:: Jesus. 

    He knows all. He is all. He will give all. He is always faithful, He has never failed. Think on that… He has NEVER failed… ever. The end. Period. His record is perfect. Spotless. That fact in mind, being consumed with Him, I surely wouldn’t be so tempted to worry, to fear or to dread what I cannot control, nor would I be likely to be so inward focused as to miss out on the joys, blessings and fruitfulness of the abundant life and easy yoke He promises. This doesn’t mean sitting around and waiting for Him to mail you a check to cover your bills. But it does mean to live in obedience… if He says “Be still and wait”, you had better listen. If He says go apply for jobs, go for it. If He simply says take things one day at a time… I will supply your needs, embrace it and live it to the fullest. Do the dishes for His glory. Smile and worship as you pray through the difficulties in your day. Choose to ask Him for guidance even as you drive and do things you are “completely able to do on your own”. 

    Do life with Jesus. 

    He will never leave nor forsake you. 
    He will withhold no good thing from those who walk uprightly. 
    He who clothes the lilies of the field will not leave His children in want. 
    He who knows all things and owns the cattle on a thousand hills is My Heavenly Father. 
    He will always, always be faithful.

    Yes, I will choose to trust Jesus. 
    I will do life with Him. 

    “We have to be continually reminded what we believe.” [C.S. Lewis]


    [Last weekend I went to an English Country Dance. Littlest brother was kind enough to capture me in my Jane Austen attire.
    The dress was made by an adopted sister for my birthday several years ago. Isn't it lovely?] 

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